MS/Certificate in Periodontics

Welcome to the Advanced Education Program in Periodontics at Ohio State

The Advanced Education Program in Periodontics at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry is a 36-month program that provides training in four areas: didactic, clinical, research and teaching.  The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association and provides advanced clinical specialty training in periodontology at the graduate level, which fulfills requirements for eligibility to the American Board of Periodontology. The program accepts only highly qualified students. All students must participate in research leading to a Master's degree. The Certificate in Periodontics is awarded upon completion of all program requirements and only after all Master's degree requirements have been completed.

If you are a dental student interested in exploring the specialty of periodontology and would like to arrange a visit to the Advanced Education Program in Periodontics, externships are available.

Degree Granted

MS plus certificate 

(PhD Optional)

Students Accepted


Program Length

36 months


Application Deadline

August 1

  • PASS system: no
  • Post Doctoral National Matching Program: yes
  • International students accepted: yes (TOEFL required)
  • Stipend: $14,184 during academic year 2022-23 (effective 8/16/22)
  • Fulfills requirements for eligibility to the American Board of Periodontology
Please note

Students in a clinical residency program can pursue a PhD program as an alternative to the MS degree program. You must be accepted by both the specialty program and the Oral Biology PhD program.

How to Apply

The application for the program year beginning June 2025 is now closed. 


The program of study for the clinical component of specialty training consists of didactic courses and seminars, clinical management of patients with periodontal disorders and teaching experiences.

Core courses:

  • periodontal anatomy
  • oral pathology
  • clinical periodontal conferences (case reviews including diagnosis, treatment planning and therapy)
  • periodontal literature reviews

Interdisciplinary courses and seminars:

  • oral histology
  • biostatistics
  • analgesia and conscious sedation
  • orofacial pain management
  • endodontic-periodontic relationships
  • prosthetic-periodontic relationships
  • implantology
  • practice management


Experiences in clinical and didactic teaching are provided through opportunities to participate in DDS didactic and clinical courses in periodontology at the College of Dentistry.  Effective Summer semester 2015, residents will be appointed as Graduate Teaching Associates and provided with a stipend and payment of half of the tuition. These grants are annually renewable (to a maximum of three years) depending on availability of funds and on positive teaching outcomes as reviewed annually by the division chair and program director. 


To receive the MS in periodontics, you are required do original research leading to the submission and defense of an approved thesis or dissertation. This is coupled with an award of the clinical certificate which denotes advanced clinical specialty training.

Clinical Rotations

Clinical training in the periodontics program focuses on the diagnosis and therapy of diseases and conditions affecting the tooth-supporting tissues, and on implant surgery. Your clinical experiences will include the full spectrum of periodontal treatment modalities:

  • conventional non-surgical and surgical periodontal therapy
  • periodontal plastic surgery
  • soft and hard tissue regenerative procedures
  • advanced surgical techniques (guided bone regeneration, block grafts, sinus augmentation)
  • implant surgery

Students provide comprehensive periodontal health care in the advanced education clinics at the College of Dentistry. You will completely manage the oral health needs of your assigned patients by:

  • integrating periodontal therapy with other clinical disciplines
  • practicing conscious sedation measures for pain control, to include inhalation analgesia and intravenous sedation
  • managing emergencies

Salary and Benefits

Periodontics residents will receive a stipend of $14,184 during academic year 2021-22 (effective 8/16/21), and waiver of half of the Ohio resident or non-resident tuition throughout the 36 month program.

Health insurance, parking fees, meals and housing are not covered and must be paid by the individual.


The Advanced Education Program in Periodontics is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and has been granted the accreditation status of “approval without reporting requirements”. The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-2678. The Commission’s web address is:

Disclosure of Licensure and Certification Information

Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students to sit for applicable licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification and state licensing board contact information at  Click on the link for State Dental Boards.