John F. Sheridan, PhD
Rutgers University, 1974
Rutgers University, 1976, Microbiology
Brain and body interactions as they relate to modulation of peripheral physiological systems and behavior. This includes neuroendocrine regulation of gene expression in inflammatory and immune responses, and stress-induced susceptibility to infectious and malignant diseases.
Research in my lab is directed towards understanding the pathways by which information from the central nervous system is transmitted to the periphery and affects physiological responses. Studies in the laboratory have defined a number of cellular and molecular mechanisms by which environmental factors, such as stress, affect the immune response. Recently, using a model of social stress, my lab has shown that exposure to repeated defeat, induces glucocorticoid resistance. Myeloid cells in the spleen and liver of socially-stressed, subordinate animals become insensitive to regulation by glucocorticoid hormones. These studies have demonstrated the importance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system on innate and adaptive immune responses. This research has been supported by the NIH (NIDCR, NIMH, NIA, NHBLI, and NIAID), and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Jung, S.H., Wang, Y., Kim, T., Tarr, A., Reader, B., Powell, N., and Sheridan, J.F. Molecular mechanisms of repeated social defeat-induced glucocorticoid resistance: Role of microRNA. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 44:195-206, 2015.
Ramirez, K., Shea, D.T., McKim, D.B., Reader, B.F., and Sheridan, J.F. Imipramine attenuates neuroinflammatory signaling and reverses stress-induced social avoidance. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 46:212-220, 2015.
Deak, T., Quinn, M., Cidlowski, J.A., Victoria, N.C., Murphy, A.Z. and Sheridan, J.F. Neuroimmune mechanisms of stress: sex differences, developmental plasticity, and implications for pharmacotherapy of stress-related disease. Stress 18(4):367-380, 2015.
Ramirez, K., Niraula, A., Shea, D.T., and Sheridan, J.F. GABAergic modulation with classical benzodiazepines prevents stress-induced neuro-immune dysregulation and behavioral alterations. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 51:154-168, 2016.
McKim, D.B., Niraula, A., Tarr, A.J., Wohleb, E.S., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.P. Neuroinflammatory dynamics underlie memory impairments after repeated social defeat. Journal of Neuroscience 36(9):2590-2604, 2016.
Hansen, C.N., Norden, D.M., Faw, T.D., Deibert, R. Wohleb, E.S., Sheridan, J.F., Godbout, J.P., and Basso, D.M. Lumbar myeloid cell trafficking into locomotor networks after thoracic spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology 282:86-98, 2016.
McKim, D.B., Patterson, J.M., Wohleb, E.S., Jarrett, B.L., Reader, B.F., Godbout, J.P., and Sheridan, J.F. Sympathetic release of splenic monocytes promotes recurring anxiety following repeated social defeat. Biological Psychiatry 79(10):803-813, 2016.
Liu, X., Nemeth, D.P., Tarr, A.J., Belevych, N., Syed, Z.W., Wang, Y., Ismail, A.S., Reed, N.S., Sheridan, J.F., Yajnik, A.R., Disabato, D.J., Zhu, L. Quan, N. Euflammation attenuates peripheral inflammation–induced neuroinflammation and mitigates immune-to-brain signaling. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 54:140-148, 2016.
Pyter, L.M., Husain, Y., Calero,H., McKim, D.B., Lin, H.Y., Godbout, J.P., Sheridan, J.F., Engeland, C.G., Marucha P.T. Tumors alter inflammation and impair dermal wound healing in female mice. PLoS One 11(8), e0161537.2016. PMID: 27548621
Aqel, S.I., Bruss, M., Hampton, J.M., Jones, K.T., Valiente, G. R., Wu, L., Agarwal, S., Bolon, B., Powell, N., Sheridan, J., Schlesinger, N., Adroin, S., Jarjour, W. N., and Young, N.A. Daily moderate exercise is beneficial and social stress is detrimental to disease progression in an animal model of lupus nephritis. Frontiers in Physiology 8, 236, 2017.
Niraula, A., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.P. Microglia priming with aging and stress. Neuropsychopharmacology 42(1):318-333, 2017.
McKim, D.B., Weber, M.D., Niraula, A., Sawicki, C.M., Liu, X., Jarrett, B.L., Ramirez, K., Roeth, R.M., Sucaldito, A.D., Sobol, C.G., Quan, N., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.P. Microglial recruitment of IL-1β-producing monocytes to the brain endothelium causes stress-induced anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry 23(6):1421-1431, 2018.
Ramirez, K., Fornaguera-Trias, J. and Sheridan, J.F. Stress-induced microglia activation and monocyte trafficking to the brain underlie the development of anxiety and depression. Current Topics Behavioral Neuroscience 31, 155-172, 2017.
Weber, M.D., Godbout, J.P. and Sheridan, J.F. Repeated social defeat, neuroinflammation and Behavior: Monocytes carry the signal. Neuropsychopharmacology 429(1):46-61, 2017.
Pyter, L.M., McKim, D.B., Husain, Y., Calero, H., Godbout, J.P., Sheridan, J.F., Marucha, P.T., Engeland, C.G. Effects of dermal wounding on distal primary tumor immunobiology in mice. Journal of Surgery Research 221:328-335, 2018.
McKim, D.B.,Yin, W., Wang, Y., Cole, S.W., Godbout, J.P. and Sheridan, J.F. Social Stress Mobilizes Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Establish Persistent Splenic Myelopoiesis. Cell Reports, 25(9):2552-2562, 2018.
Sawicki, C.M., Kim, J., Weber, M., Jarrett, B., Godbout, J., Sheridan, J., Humeidan, M. Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine Prevent Increased Pain Sensitivity Without Altering Neuroimmune Activation Following Repeated Social Defeat Stress. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 69, 113-123, 2018.
Lisboa, S., Niraula, A., Resstel, R., Guimarães, F., Godbout, J. and Sheridan, J. Repeated Social Defeat-Induced Neuroinflammation, Anxiety-like behavior and Resistance to Fear Extinction were Attenuated by the Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist WIN55,212-2. Neuropsychopharmacology 43(9): 1924-1933, 2018.
Niraula, A., Wang, Y., Godbout, J.P., and Sheridan, J.F. Corticosterone production during repeated social defeat causes monocyte mobilization from the bone marrow, glucocorticoid resistance, and neurovascular adhesion molecule expression. Journal of Neuroscience 38:2328-2340, 2018.
Norden DM, Faw TD, McKim DB, Deibert RJ, Fisher LC, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP, and Basso DM. Bone Marrow-Derived Monocytes Drive the Inflammatory Microenvironment in Local and Remote Regions after Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 36(6):937-949, 2018 Oct 6. doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.5806. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30014767
Sawicki, C.M., Kim, J., Weber, M., Faw, T.D., Mckim, D.B., Madalena, K.M., Lerch, J.K., Basso, M., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.P. Microglia promote increased pain behavior through enhanced inflammation in the spinal cord during repeated social defeat stress. Journal of Neuroscience 39(7):1139-1149, 2019.
Yin, W., Gallagher, N.R., Sawicki, C.M., McKim, D.B., Godbout, J.P., and Sheridan, J.F. Repeated social defeat in female mice induces anxiety-like behavior associated with enhanced myelopoiesis and increased monocyte accumulation in the brain. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 78:131-142, 2019.
Niraula, A., Witcher, K.G., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.F. IL-6 induced by social stress promotes a unique transcriptional signature in the monocytes that facilitate anxiety. Biological Psychiatry 85(8):679-689, 2019.
Weber, M.D., Mckim, D.B., Niraula, A., Witcher, K.G., Yin, W., Sobol, C.G., Wang, Y., Sawicki, C.M., Sheridan, J.F., and Godbout, J.P. The influence of microglial elimination and repopulation on stress-sensitization induced by repeated social defeat. Biological Psychiatry 85(8);667-678, 2019.
Sullivan, K.A., Bever, S.R., McKim, D.B., Godbout, J.P., Sheridan, J.F., Obrietan, K., and Pyter,L.M. Mammary tumors compromise time of day differences in hypothalamic gene expression and circadian behavior and physiology in mice. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 2019.
Padin, A.C., Hébert, J.R., Woody, A., Wilson, S.J., Shivappa, N., Belury, M.A., Malarkey, W.B., Sheridan, J.F., Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K. A proinflammatory diet is associated with inflammatory gene expression among healthy, non-obese adults: Can social ties protect against the risks? Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (2019), doi:
Niraula, A., and Sheridan, J.F. IL-6 Signaling in Monocytes: A Potential Therapeutic Avenue for Stress-Induced Mood Impairments. Commentary. Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks), 2019 Jan-Dec; 3: 2470547019871371. doi: 10.1177/2470547019871371
McLean, S. A., Ressler, K., Koenen, K. C., Neylan, T., Germine, L., Jovanovic, T., . . .Sheridan, J.F.,… Kessler, R. (2020). The AURORA Study: a longitudinal, multimodal library of brain biology and function after traumatic stress exposure. Mol Psychiatry, 25(2), 283-296. doi:10.1038/s41380-019-0581-3
DiSabato, D.J., Nemeth, D.P. …Sheridan, J.F. ….Quan, N. Interleukin-2 receptor on hippocampal neurons drives social withdrawal and cognitive deficits after chronic social defeat. Molecular Psychiatry (2020)
Tapp, Z.M., Kumar, J.E., Witcher, K.G., Atluri, R.R., Velasquez, J.A., O’Neil, S.M., Dziabis, J.E., Bray, K.E., Sheridan, J.F., Godbout, J.P., Kokiko-Cochran, O.N. Sleep disruption exacerbates and prolongs the inflammatory response to traumatic brain injury. J. Neurotrauma 2020 Apr 21. Doi:10.1089/neu.2020.7010

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