John F. Sheridan, PhD

Professor & Training Grant Director


Rutgers University, 1974


Rutgers University, 1976, Microbiology

Research Interests

Brain and body interactions as they relate to modulation of peripheral physiological systems and behavior.  This includes neuroendocrine regulation of gene expression in inflammatory and immune responses, and stress-induced susceptibility to infectious and malignant diseases.

Research Summary

Research in my lab is directed towards understanding the pathways by which information from the central nervous system is transmitted to the periphery and affects physiological responses. Studies in the laboratory have defined a number of cellular and molecular mechanisms by which environmental factors, such as stress, affect the immune response. Recently, using a model of social stress, my lab has shown that exposure to repeated defeat, induces glucocorticoid resistance. Myeloid cells in the spleen and liver of socially-stressed, subordinate animals become insensitive to regulation by glucocorticoid hormones. These studies have demonstrated the importance of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic nervous system on innate and adaptive immune responses. This research has been supported by the NIH (NIDCR, NIMH, NIA, NHBLI, and NIAID), and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

John Sheridan
Office Address

120C Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research Building
460 Medical Center Dr.
Columbus, OH 43210
United States

Lab Phone
Academic Division