William Brantley, BS, MS, PhD

Professor Emeritus


Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1965, Metallurgical Engineering


Carnegie Mellon University, 1968. Metallurgy and Materials Science


Following active military duty from 1968-1970 in the Ceramics Division of the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center and industrial research experience in the Compound Semiconductor Materials Department at Bell Laboratories from 1970-1974, I joined the Marquette University School of Dentistry as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dental Materials. During 15 years at Marquette, I was promoted to Professor, became Department Chair, served 5 years as the Director of Dental Graduate Studies, and directed the MS Program in Dental Materials. I was Professor in the Ohio State University College of Dentistry since the summer of 1989, directing the graduate program in dental materials, and I retired from the full-time faculty at the end of June 2017. I also had a courtesy faculty appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. I have been mentor for several Visiting Scholars and maintained active research collaborations with Dr. Masahiro Iijima (Hokkaido University, Japan) and Dr. Han-Cheol Choe (Chosun University, South Korea). In the 2017 Autumn Semester I returned to the College as Professor Emeritus in the Division of General Practice and Materials Science.

Research Interests

Dental metallurgy; prosthodontic, orthodontic and endodontic materials; application of materials science principles to dental and biomedical materials. Current research focus areas are nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments, metal-ceramic systems for prosthodontics, microstructural and mechanical property characterization of dental materials, thermal analysis of dental materials, new technologies for dental materials, and titanium biomedical alloys

Research Support

Substantial past NIH research grant funding for extensive investigations of high-palladium dental alloys for metal-ceramic restorations. Materials and dental laboratory support has been provided by Ivoclar Vivadent (US) for projects on metal-ceramic systems (alloy characterization and bonding to porcelain).

William Brantley
Office Address

3005-L Postle Hall
305 W. 12th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
United States

Academic Division